BioTech & Life Sciences

We’ve got Tech Professionals wired with customized insurance protection.

BioTech & Life Sciences

We are a specialized, independent insurance agency that provides all types of business insurance for the life sciences and medical technology industries. In addition to essential Property, Liability, and Benefits insurance, we have expertise in Professional Liability, Product Liability, Director & Officer Liability, and International insurance coverage.

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Our Biotech Unit

Our biotech team includes professionals who have experience with the insurance needs of the biotech industry. Every member of the Moody biotech team has worked in the insurance industry for more than ten years.

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Our History

Our agency has been in business since 1914. From the risk management perspective, we have been insuring and advising customers in the technology industry for over 25 years. Our biotech insurance senior team members began their insurance careers working as underwriters for the leading technology insurance companies. We’ve helped insurance companies develop products and services that were marketed by independent agents and brokers.

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Our Customers

Moody’s client list includes hundreds of technology customers. We provide our clients with consultative and educational service instead of a transactional sales style.

We focus on insuring:

  • C.R.O.s
  • C.M.O.s
  • etc.